søndag 24. februar 2008

January, our special light

I want to show you the special light of January, befor the return of the sun. Now it's quite different outside, looks like Easter, with a bright sun and a lot of white snow.

lørdag 23. februar 2008

Number of visitors/Besøkende nr 50 :)

Just reached 50, I wonder who this person was? Perhaps I will reward number 100? To learn who the lucky one is, send me a copy of the page :)

torsdag 21. februar 2008

Embarrassing! Pinlig!

A really slow progress lately. I have finished the wrist warmers though. I will post a photo during the weekend. My time has been divided between helping my eldest son with the flat, work-out and watching tv. A lazy life :)

Her går det jammen tregt på strikkefronten, men pulsvarmerne er ferdige. Jeg skal publisere bilder i løpet av helga. Det som har opptatt meg i det siste; hjelpsom mor, leiligheta til eldstesønnen er ikke helt ferdig, trening og tv-titting, latmannsliv :)

søndag 17. februar 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Personaltur til Helsinki og Tallin,veldig hyggelig


Må sjekke om jeg har forstått dette med hyperkobling, har fått hjelp av pinneguri

Nei, forstår f... mæ ingenting!
Prøver igjen, har fått hjelp av pinneguri
Klarte det, ho dama der e en tålmodig og flink lærer!!!!

Cherry Tree Hill

I have ordered this really nice handspun and hand dyed lace, and now I don't know how to use it, or rather what to make of it!!

Any ideas?
Click the title to get the link!

Skal prøve dette mønsteret

Aibhlinn by Mary Burr

It's a pity I didn't take any photos of my earlier projects, but I found one. This head-over is really nice. I've lost mine, but I made one for a friend as well, she has keept hers.
Here it is, very nice, isn't it? Click the link in the title to get the pattern.

Nearly finished

So irritating! I'm nearly finished and then ran out of yarn :(

torsdag 14. februar 2008


Nå kan dere alle kommentere under hvert innlegg, jeg har gjort endringer som gjør det enklere, men det er fortsatt morsomt å få hilsen på "skravlebrettet".

Travle tider, lite framgang i strikkeverdenen, skal publisere bilde av framgangen seinere.

It's now possible to comment directly underneath each post. Still nice to get greetings in the commentbox to the right though :)

Busy for the time being, slow progress in my knitting projects. I'll publish a picture later.

mandag 11. februar 2008

My new project

I forgot my knitting at work today, so that gave me the opportunity to start on the next one, - the wrist warmers from the book I borrowed at the library.

søndag 10. februar 2008

Amazing :)

Take a look at this! Click the headline.
I'm sure there is a way to link this to a word in the text, but I haven't figured out how yet!
Unfortunately the video is removed, a pity if you didn't see it!

Sad News

Yesterday one of my favourite spots in London was destroyed in fire. Click the headline to see!

fredag 8. februar 2008

Mer kultur

Even more culture today, not much knitting for the time being. I'll be watching a play directed and played by very young people, students from "The (local) School of performing arts". Here is a photo of their poster add and another one of some of the actors. Now I'm in a hurry, late as usual, for dinner with a friend.

torsdag 7. februar 2008


I dag blir det lite blogging og strikking. Mari Boine har konsert på Kulturhuset, vi feirer samefolkets dag enda en dag! Bursdagsgave til ei venninne :-)
No blogging and knitting today, instead something else; a concert with Mari Boine. We are celebrating the Sami people's day. Actually that was yesterday.

onsdag 6. februar 2008

Another knitted cap

This one is for me, same colours as the mittens, - and the same pattern.

Endelig er strikkeboka kommet

Finally the book from the library has arrived. Now I can cast on the fingerless mittens.

Still using my mobile, the flash is bothering me.

tirsdag 5. februar 2008

"Gammelt" arbeid

Vanteperioden min starta for vel et år sida, da blei det produser flere eksemplarer av vanter av færøyisk mønter. Det ene paret er fortsatt i heimen, de andre blei julegaver.
Bildet er tatt med mobil, - igjen. tenk å være så utålmodig!

Yes! Finished the cap already, irritating about the camera though, nothing will be published until Sunday :-(

I have used my mobile phone, the quality is no good, but it will do!

søndag 3. februar 2008

Cap, hat! Paradoxical inspired pattern

My new project! I'll enclose a photo later on. The camera is away with my husband!
Skal jeg skrive på norsk eller engelsk? Her er forskjellig å ta stilling til, men viss bloggen skal vises på Ravelry er det nok en fordel at flere enn de norske kan lese...??