søndag 30. mars 2008

My new project, Selbu Mittens

Too much yarn stashed away, but I decided to use some of it. Now knitting a pair of Selbu mittens for my husband, the colours are two shades of grey. The pattern is very old, I assume from the shape of the rose. I've borrowed this picture from an other blogger.
I'll add my own photo later on in the progress.

lørdag 29. mars 2008

A Consert at Barometeret

Together with young colleagues at a concert yesterday. The drummer is my co-worker :) The quality of the photos are no good, they are taken with my mobile without using a flash. The concert was great though.

onsdag 26. mars 2008


Check this out!
This is an awareness test, scaring!
Sjekk denne!
så uoppmerksomme er vi nok til daglig, i hvert fall når vi fokuserer på noe annet.

søndag 23. mars 2008

A special cup of tea

I enjoy a very special cup of tea, it's more like a piece of art.
Ga denne teen som ser ut som en blomst i julekalender på jobb, også yngstedatra (mao den eneste datra) var heldig mottaker. Passer godt til gode og late dager, jeg er ekspert på å kose meg.

25 years!

My youngest son was 25 years old yesterday. We gave him some Italian flavours (wine, chocolate, cheese, ham etc.) for his birthday, as he is moving in a short time, it had to be something to consume :)
Jeg strever med redigeringa, vil gjerne skrive direkte til bildene, men får det ikke til. Gaven blei godt mottatt. Vi feira på skjærtorsdag pga tidlig retur pga eksamenslesing.

Easter in Tromsø

Selma er endelig framme fra sitt skjulested under sofaen, tvillingsøstra er fortsatt veldig sky.

Polarstjerna, eller..? Polstjerna, ei ishavsskute, muligens!? The headline is a link to the museum where the boat is found.

The weather has been incredible, very cold with a clear sky. We have visited my eldest son, by walking;- 11 km. The photos are taken on our way. The cat is his.

fredag 21. mars 2008

Terracina, Italy

From Anxur, a beautiful sun set.

View from Anxur.

Oranges in the main street.

We have been back since Sunday, but I've been to work and busy preparing for Easter. We had a wonderful time. The rest of the photos you can see in the slide show.

torsdag 6. mars 2008


This week, instead of working-out, I was watching some of my colleagues practising felting. I didn't join in, but next time I will. This was my second
"viewing", I think I've grasped the idea by now.

onsdag 5. mars 2008

Getting ready to some days off!

Saturday we leave winter in Tromsø to explore and experience spring in Italy. Click the title to find a link to Terracina. The weather or rather the temperatures aren't impressing though, nice getting away from winter anyway.
On the news: strike in Germany will perhaps have some influence on our flight, - hope not!!!!

lørdag 1. mars 2008

Current project!

I try out this pattern made available in pinneguris blog. I'm not very happy about the colour though, a bit dull, but the knitting is nice and so is the pattern, with the lace? (blonder).
Click the title to get to pinneguri's entry in her blog.

Finished project!

Finally! Here are the promised photos. I love these wristwarmers, they fit my colours and clothes in every way.

More bragging, flere skrytebilder

We enjoy the return of the sun, and especially the colours of the sunset in the afternoon.