tirsdag 22. juli 2008

Try it...

Instead of doing what I'm supposed to; doing a bit of translation for my husband, I found this interesting "game", which I just have to try. I found it here. Actually it took too much time, I have to complete it later on. To be quite honest I didn't quite understand the process, but I fancied the idea and the outcome. Have to be more patient an other time.

torsdag 17. juli 2008


Today the weather was perfect according to my plans; cold and cloudy. I was going to upload all my pictures and blog. But you know what? The cable which I needed was missing, the one I need to connect my camera to the pc. Just my luck! And where had it gone do you think? Probably with my husband to work J

I'll just add a picture from the web, but that is cheating!!

mandag 14. juli 2008

Knitting, no!

It seems to be no time to knitting and blogging. The weather in Seattle is excellent, I use my borrowed bike every day. I've nearly been all over the place ;), I've taken a lot of pics as well, but I don't want to spend too much time inside, so I'll load the photos later.

I have visited three local yarn shops already, and I have taken their picture. Our visit to Ballard was mainly to visit The Nordic Heritage Museum, and there I bought a beautiful book about Latvian mittens, but I didn't realise until later that I could have found another LYS over there; The Full Circle.

mandag 7. juli 2008

Vacation has started

Arrived in Seattle yesterday afternoon, after 9 hours on board a plane, one hour sleep and trying to forget that it was turning into night, Norwegian time. We had dinner at five in the morning (Norwegian time), did some shopping and went to bed. I woke up at 3.20 (Am. time) and believed it was morning, stayed in bed until 6.30, went back to sleep again, managed to get some more sleep and was awake at a 7.45. This is not the usual me!!!!

We stay in the University District, at Chambered Nautilus. We love it here. I will post pics later. Through Ravelry I've found some yarn shops in my neighbourhood and I've already visited Acorn Street Shop. I bought some Noro yarn, bamboo needles and a magazine, Noro Joy.
The pictures in this entry were taken 5 years ago, when the camera was new, and we weren't familiar with the use of it!

torsdag 3. juli 2008

Paris once again

I'm trying to add a picture. Something very Paris, e.g. Print Temps, you can't actually see the building, it's a painted wall, but the hats are real enough J


Må prøve ut dette også! Ser at andre kan skifte fonter, bruke overstryking etc, men hvordan det blir, skjønner jeg ikke, - og hvordan blir det med innsetting av bilder?

This is quite an experiment, trying to use this feature in Microsoft word 2007. I'll just figure out how this works.

Bilder fra turen med kanalbåt. Vi passerte de vanlige turistmålene.

Tourist trip on the channel, visiting all the main tourist attractions. we enjoyed the trip and the sunset.

Paris Sights


Damene tur! Paris passa oss utmerka. Vi hadde nydelig storbyvær, - mellom 22 og 28 grader, mest overskya. Vi gikk og gikk, og med mange hvitvin og rosevinspauser. Vi bodde sentarlt, midt i et yrende Latinerkvartal. Adressen til utleier finner du her.
Visiting Paris in late June with lady friends, we did a lot of walking, wine drinking and exploring. The weather was pleasant for northern tourists.
We stayed in the middle of the Latin quarter, a perfect location. Link to the flat is here.