søndag 13. desember 2009


Ville så gjerne laste opp en video fra Tromsø, men igjen spille teknikken meg et puss, den kan i alle fall ses her

I wanted so much to share a video from Tromsø, but this time the technique failed me, you can watch it here anyway

mandag 23. november 2009


Hjemmefarging, i rein desperasjon på hotellrommet lørdag morra, deretter en omgang med saksa da æ kom hjem. Bellig i hvert fall :o)

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Meeting daughter and friends from way back in time in Oslo last weekend
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Marrakesh Hotel, Broadway Manhattan

Our room at the hotel and other details from the interior, no breakfast included, but cheap and very convenient, perfect location for our purpose.

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Miscellaneous from New York

Understanding the term scy scrapers ;o)
Having lunch one day; fresh fruits, youghurt, müsli and white wine, yummi.
Halloween party-goers in the subway.

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onsdag 4. november 2009

New York City

Central Park strolling, Ground Zero, New York Marathon, the man in the lead won, first US citizen in 37 years to do that. Seems I'm not able to upload the last picture, will do at home.
Deilig uke i New York, ustabilt nett på hotellrommet, et lite livstegn fra storbyen klare nettet, så vidt....

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torsdag 22. oktober 2009

Autumn occupation

Til ære for alle mine trofaste bloggvenna; her er grunnen til mitt fravær, sparkle, pusse, sparkle, pusse, - gipsplate er veldige fine på veggene når man får det glatt og fint!!!

In honour of all my blog friends; here is some evidence of why I have left Bloggland this autumn, my new occupation seems to be painter, - not the artistic one.

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onsdag 21. oktober 2009


Son and x-husband out in the mountains enjoying one of their outdoor hobbies. Track-biking? This is from an article in our local newspaper "Nordlys", where the reporter took part in the event.

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Gyllenborg skole 1962

Sjekk dette; bilde fra 1.klasse 62/63 Gyllenborg skole.
Memory lane, my class and I, 1.grade, seven year and innocent. Our school, the oldest in Tromsø, is still existing, but not the building where our home room was. My best friend, Ellen, and I in first row in the middle, number five and six.

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tirsdag 15. september 2009


Finally some prove of my knitting, unfortunately the sock has rested peacefully in my knitting bag since July. The pattern is called "The Gardener" and I can't figure out how to shape the heal :(
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