The lovely Noro yarn I have been waiting for the last month, arrived while I was in Stavanger. Yesterday I was tempted to start with it again, taking a break from my Myiake, and you know what? I couldnt't figure out where in the pattern I was. I'm so disappointed. Why couldn't I just mark the place.
Skuffelsen er stor, hva gjør jeg nå? Teller og beregner eller rekker opp? Foreløpig ser det ut som en uoverkommelig oppgave å finne ut av. Hvorfor lærer jeg aldri, - bare et bittelite merke i mønsteret så hadde jeg visst hvor jeg var!
Hello Guro.......thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. Its funny I look at others' blogs and then mine and think "boring". Just had a browse through some of your postings...very nice. I see your clapotis was coming on, so annoying when you loose your place,,, love the colourway though. As yet I haven't tried clapotis maybe one day. Just seem to be doing socks at the moment...I have quite a few knits on hold just seem to pick them up and cannot get motivated ah the meantime take care.
Lett å være etterpåklok, kan tenke meg du ikke legger fra deg strikketøy uten merke i fremtiden:)
SvarSlettStor god klem fra meg til deg...