søndag 31. mai 2009

Aurora Borealis

Pics by Bjørn Jørgensen, I've "stolen" these from youtube.

fredag 29. mai 2009

My home Town Tromsø

I have to learn how to publish videos, here is a greate one advertising my home town, Tromsø.
Må lære meg å publisere videoer, ville så gjerne vise dere kommunen sin skrytevideo. Du kan se den her .

mandag 25. mai 2009


I haven't had access to my blog, other than reading it, lately. I could NOT blog! Actually several days passed without me noticing, mostly because we stayed out all day, just labouring on in the garden and basement. The weather has been very good. BUT, yesterday I was planning a blog entry, wanting to show you my new project; another pattern from Drops . Anyway, the blog seems ok now :o)

First I studied these, here are several want-to-do items. But I ended up with the tunic in the picture.

Har hatt bloggetørke, men lite aktivitet på strikkinga også, mulig det henger sammen ;o)

Vi har vært ute og styra rundt huset, men ingenting har blitt dokumentert med fotoapparat, skulle egentlig ha vist dere blomsterbed som vi har klart å holde vedlike i denne vannvittige "byggefasen" som har strekt seg over flere år! I det minste skulle jeg ha skrytt av de vakre hvitveisene. Vi har blåveis også, men de virke litt blodfattige.

Vi ses snart ;o)

mandag 18. mai 2009

My children

Born in 80, 83 and 85. Aren't they cute?

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søndag 17. mai 2009

May 17th 2009

No comments, the weather was incredible, the leaves had turned green, - nearly, the cake was a success, what else to ask for on our National Day?

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lørdag 9. mai 2009


What has happened to my knitting? I don't know, but I find it hard to complete this last project; the yarn was not fit for this type of knitting, it looks bulky and "clumsy". So what to do next, frog or continue? I have so much yarn left.....


Some evidence. Yesterday I had my first meal with wine outside. I even "caught" some flowers in blooming. The flowerbeds have just got rid of the last snow so they need tidying up, but I wanted to show you allthough it's a mess. Once again I have to admit that the pictures have lousy quality, but I had to use my cell phone.
Nydelig vårvær, uterestaurant, blåskjell og hvitvin, en fryd for sansan og humøret. Blåveis og krokus fra vinterslitne blomsterbed.