lørdag 31. januar 2009

Æ bake kake :0)

Vi skal spise både hjort og elg i kveld, som dessert ska vi ha kake som passe til, håpe æ, i hvert fall. Frisk og vill! Oppskrifta har æ funnet i denne boka (på norsk). Det e "Nøttebotn med plommer og trollkrem".

  • 8 eggekvitar
  • 400g sukker
  • 400g malne hasselnøtter
  • 1 ts vaniljesukker

1 kg plommer. Stivpisk eggekvitane med sukkeret. Vend inn dei malne nøttene og vaniljesukkeret. Smør ei stor springform og hell røra i forma. Steik på 230 g C til botnen er ljos brun, men mjuk (hos mæ 17 min). Ta han ikkje ut av forma.


  • 8 eggekvitar
  • 2 ss sukker
  • 2 ts vaniljesukker
  • 5 dl tyting

01.02.09. Glemte dette: Trollkremen has over nøttebotn og plommer, inn i ovnen, 170 g C i 10 min. Bilda tatt i går kveld, men ikkje av mæ, vi får se om dem kommer sendanes over. Kaka va god den. Akkurat som æ ønska.

We'll have game tonight, invited to some friends, and I have offered to make the cake for desert. The recipe is from this book.

torsdag 22. januar 2009

PM once again

Mittens for my mother. Paradoxical Mittens once again and on the needles another pair, for my friend, her birthday is due very soon. I-m half way through the second one.

My mother has started wearing her mittens already. I had rather thought of them as spring mittens, but she enjoys wearing them. If it's windy in addition to the cold degrees, she gets very cold in all sorts of mittens.

I used very small needles, onky 2mm and very thin Alpakka.

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søndag 18. januar 2009

... and the winner is;

which I'm so happy about. Actually I was a bit worried about this, but now I know for sure what the prize should be. It'll have to wait for some times though, because of the film festival. I've seen some pretty good films lately; yesterday: "It wasn't me, I swear" from Quebec, Canada and today a Swedish film; "Involuntarily", both excellent in their genre. Good night, I'm dead tired.
(I have edited the text after comments from my daughter, she's not fond of misspellings ;-))

torsdag 15. januar 2009

1995 and who is 2000?

I had planned to treat the person with something. My brother hopes to be the lucky one. In that case I have to change my "gift" :0)
Det e jo en strikkeblogg egentlig, derfra henta æ tanken om "belønning" også, men vi får se. Her e så mange gjesta som ikkje gir sæ te kjenne i alle fall, sørgelig om det blir en av dem og ikkje en av dokker trofaste. Send link te sida mi som vise besøksnummeret ditt....

mandag 12. januar 2009

TIFF, Tromsø international film festival

A busy week starts tomorrow, have a look here. I'm taking part in this event in a limited way this year, but there have been years where I had leave from work to attend more. I'll only see 6 films, - I think ;-)
Once again I've used my cell phone to take the picture, hence the quality, the colours are miserable.

søndag 11. januar 2009

Oi, oi, ny utfordring! A new challenge!

Ny utfordring fra Lykkelita, vet ikkje om æ e helt fornøyd med den, "monster" e vel alle hus full av, men ka ska æ velge. No hente æ kamera, så får vi se ka d blir. D blei ikkje kamera, men telefon uten blitz! Bokhylla er full av bøker, men likevel e d ikkje plass til alle, nytt kjøkkenvindu mangle karmer og sofaen er slitt, 28 år gammel, og favorittplassen e gått opp i sømman. Jaja, enjoy......

Shawl and wrist warmers

The shawl "went" back to Bø, without being documented, but here it is. My daughter had to take the picture and send it back to me. I have edited it (removed her face). The same type of shawl was Christmas present for my old aunt, she appreciated the colour, the look and the warmth and softness. She is old and suffers from frequent pneumonia.

fredag 9. januar 2009


Yesterday was a day for lighting torches and praying for peace and condemning the killing and terrible attacks on innocent people in Gaza. Here is a photo from the demonstation, from "Nordlys", our local paper. You can read more here (in Norwegian).

torsdag 8. januar 2009

Ravelry: Designs by Mari Muinonen / tikru

Ravelry: Designs by Mari Muinonen / tikru
Here you'll find designs by a very talented designer, who is Finnish by the way.


I have done something daring, joined a KAL, Sylvi, the designer is tikru on Ravelry and her blog is here.
Now what; I have promised not to start another project until I've finished all my ufos, and not to buy any new yarn until I have used some more of my stash!!?
To be continued. Pics will come eventually :-)

Edited January 11: I've even ordered the pattern, how will this end? But no yarn yet. I have to wait until I've finished another present.

onsdag 7. januar 2009

My very own design :)

Kitten Mohair, left over yarn from the shawl I made for my daughter for Christmas. Here you can find the shawl.
-la opp 44 masker og strikka rett, valgte noen omganger innimellom med perlestrikk, varierte mellom 2, 3, 4 omganger, felte av 7 masker til tommelen, la opp igjen de samme over og strikka noen omganger til, avslutta som jeg begynte med en omgang vrang.

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Some sewing as well

I had an accident at work and put my nice knitting bag over a candle, it burnt a while before anyone noticed. The result was black stains and a hole for my needles to fall through. It made me concider sewing, which I haven't done since my children were small, - and look what I've been capable of doing. I've done one for my daughter; the one in the middle, and a large and a small one for myself

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Selbu Mittens (gloves) finished at last

Finally they are complete and my hubby will stay warm on his hands once again :0)
Rauma finullgarn, favorittgarnet mitt tidligere, før jeg oppdaga Alpakka. Har bare brukt rester, - to gråtoner, er egentlig veldig fornøyd

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tirsdag 6. januar 2009

Green winter

Folkestad Christmas turned out green and warm. We fetched our own tree and decorated it the 23. Like we've always done.

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Christmas decoration

Very limited this year, because we left January 21, but we had to have something when we returned the 29.

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The beautiful light in December

.. never stops fascinating me..

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